Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thing 7: How SYABAS Contractors Make Extra Bucks

This is how they do it in PJ.First they resurface the road but create a uneven 2 inch gap between the road & each houses' driveway.Then these contractor's workmen go to each household and ask if these residents want to fork out some extra money $$ for them to level the ground with the drive ways.

If they don't, these homeowners will have to put up with some discomfort reversing their vehicles out or twisting their ankles when walking about if they are not careful.

How did we get stuck with them

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thing 6: Roaming in Indonesia with Maxis

More SMS Rates... this time in Jakarta:

[Revised Jan 2009]

Telkomsel RM 0.66 (Peak)
Indosat RM 0.39 (Peak)
XLcom RM 0.35 (Peak)
NTS Axis RM 0.26 (Peak)

Although XL & Axis were cheaper, we found that the coverage is not as good as the other 2.

In the end, we decided to manually login to Indosat to enjoy the good rates & decent coverage.

Thing 5b: Roaming in Thailand with Maxis

More SMS Rates:

AIS RM1.36/1.37

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thing 4: Roaming in Singapore with Maxis

A buddy of mine who visited me recently in Singapore. He was busy changing his network to determine which Roaming Partner had the best SMS rates for his Maxis account.

Here's what he found:

Singtel SMS RM0.89
StarHub SMS RM0.89


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing 3: Cooling Coils

Symptoms: Funny toasty smell from your car's Air Cond vents.

Likely Cause: Dead Cooling Coil.

This is what you get for not servicing your air-cond every 2 years (workshop recommendation, I reckon 3 years should be a fair interval)

After 7 years of ignorance, my pal's Proton Wira 1.5 Auto racked up a bill of RM421:

RM215 Cooling Coil (Thailand-made, or so they claim)
RM 38 Drier (filter device)
RM 78 Valve Exp
RM 90 Labor, Gas, Oil

Shop claims that the locally made cooling coils are only RM180 but they dont stock it. They claim there are more complaints from those. But thats just what they say. Believe it, don't believe it.

So.... did my pal get conned?

Thing 2: Thing2

Ooops. Sorry Couldn't resist... and I quote:

"thing2 would like to clarify that just because he wears the number two does not imply, in any way that he is inferior to thing 1.

He says you may feel free to call him Thing A if u like.

He will also accept super thing, thing king,
kid dynamite, chocolate thun-da or ben.."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing 1: This Blog

Well Hullo there!

Yes, I have finally created a blog site. Yes, it's long overdue.

This is the only way I can find out how these babies actually work.

I will now attempt to create 700 blog entries.

Stick around & find out what thrills or chills me...